Weekly Newsletter from Principal Ostbye 9/19/2020

JRE Families,

Thank you for your partnership this week. The staff at JRE recognize and appreciate all the work families are doing to help students access their education. I hope that the weekend brings you rest and relaxation.

As we continue down the path of remote learning, please communicate with your classroom teacher what’s working for you and your family as well as what might make your child’s experience better. Additionally, please try to find some of the positives that remote learning might offer.

We’ve talked with the provider about giving him choice as to when he completes his independent work, but that he will need to complete that work before watching TV or playing Pokemon at home. So, after we return home and he eats his late afternoon snack, we go about completing his daily assignments. He sits on my lap as we complete his first-grade work. I do my best not to get frustrated with all the tech play and messing about. I need to remind myself that this is also part of the learning process. When he has completed his work, I know exactly what he’s been working on, and in turn feel more involved in his learning.

Moving forward we are planning our first all school assembly on September 30th from 8:30 in the morning until 8:45. We are still working out all the details involved in moving 300 students to a new virtual location, but we hope that families will join us for the assemblies. We know they’ll follow a consistent routine of:

Principals Message
Counselors Message
Community Spotlight
Optimistic Close
If you are interested in celebrating your culture or a special talent you’d like to share with the community. Please contact Stephanie Trinneer sltrinneer@seattleschools.org or Ximena Grollmus at ixgrollmus@seattleschools.org.

Finally, thank you for coming to supplies pick-up. Staff loved seeing all the children, families and banners on your vehicles!

In partnership,

Brent Ostbye


John Rogers Elementary

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