After School Care for 2023-2024 School Year

John Rogers students have two different aftercare programs while we are at the temporary John Marshall building.


, at the Meadowbrook Community Center, operated by the Seattle Parks Department.  Transportation is provided from the John Marshall Building via School Bus. 

More information about signing up for MOOSE is available at their website, The Classes & Activities box links to a PDF that has details for all programs run by Seattle Parks Department.  Scroll down to School Age Care.

Launch Learning

John Rogers Elementary School: We have 20+ spots free for new students in Launch after school care at John Marshall.

You can access the application at: under the tab labeled *2023-24 School Year Registration (Fall)*.

Launch runs from the end of the school day until 6pm. Students are served a healthy snack, enjoy indoor and outdoor free play time, receive homework help, and try a range of fun teacher-led interactive activities that build on interests!

If you have any questions about our program, please contact Program Site Manager Moss Bosch at