John Rogers Cougar Mountain Cookie Dough & Caffé Vita Coffee Fundraisers Are HERE!!!

Cougar Mountain Cookie Dough & Caffé Vita Coffee Fundraiser

November 15th-25th

50% of all sales go to John Rogers PTA!

-Ask friends, family and neighbors or co-workers to purchase cookie dough or coffee from you! Record all orders on the order forms. You can download these at the end of the post.  Save the order form for use when you’re distributing your sales. When you are ready to submit your order, click this link, and enter your info and your order. The cookie dough options are listed first, and the coffee is in a second section of the ordering form:

-Collect all funds from your sales. Click this link to submit payment for your order total through Paypal CLICK HERE. Personal checks for your sales total can also be dropped off with the front office, Mon-Thurs. from 8:30-3:30.

-Turn in all orders and funds by Wednesday, November 25th

-Pick up your cookie dough & coffee in the roundabout in front of the school (Drive through, or walk up): Monday, December 14th from 4-6 pm.

PLEASE mark your calendars, and plan on prompt pick-up on the December 14 between 4-6pm!

-An easy sales method is to send out a group email to family and friends, or post on your social media!

-You can write one check for the total and collect from your buyers later, just ask them to write the check(s) to you.

-Orders will not be accepted without full payment after the Nov. 25th deadline.


Questions??  Please contact

Cookie Dough- Brianna Szablya –

Coffee- Julia Engel-


Caffe Vita  and Cougar Cookie Dough Order Forms download.

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