Weekly PTA Message: February 29


Monday, February 29th – PTA Spring Grant Applications Due 

March 31st – Save the Date!! One World Many Stories: Heritage Night – More information to come!! 

April 3rd – JR Spring Garden Party – Save the Date! 

PTA 2016-2017 Budget Planning 

Do you have an idea or suggestion for programs, projects, events, or materials that you would like the PTA to support?

The PTA Budget Committee will be meeting soon to work on the 2016-17 PTA budget. If you have an idea or suggestion for the PTA to support, you can submit a request for funding to the budget committee. A PTA budget request form is available in the office for proposals. All requests will be reviewed by the budget committee and considered in with our review of our current items and forecasted revenue.

If you have questions, would like more information or are interested in serving on the budget committee and helping to prepare the details of next year’s budget, please contact Beth Sharlin, PTA Treasurer, bsel99@hotmail.com, 206-290-9693.

FEAT Survey 

Have you completed your Family Engagement Action Team survey? It was sent home last week via kid-mail (look for an orange one page flyer). We would appreciate your input! Additional copies of the survey are available in school office and in the front hallway at school. Please return completed surveys to the school by Friday, March 4. Thank you!

Recycled Plastic Caps are still needed! 

Did you attend the ART Walk? If so you saw how the Green Team recycled Plastic Cap mural is coming along! We are so close to completing it. We are still need of caps in particular colors-Red, Orange, Yellow and Brown/Gold/Tan! Please bring your clean plastic caps to the collection station for recyclables next to the saltwater tank in the main hallway. Donations are needed until the end of February. Thank you!

Cedar Park Elementary Planning Principal Survey 

The Seattle School District is in the process of selecting a planning principal for the new Cedar Park Elementary school and they want our feedback! Attached to this email is a survey that they have put together to get it. Please return the survey to the John Rogers office by Thursday, March 3rd.

PTA Spring Grants 

The John Rogers’ PTA is excited to be able to grant up to $2,000 for the 2014-15 school year …$1,000 was awarded in November and it is now time for the spring grant. As a reminder, grant requests are limited to $200, but multiple people (staff member or parents) may combine their requests for grants in excess of $200. Requests must be submitted in writing to the PTA mailbox in the main office by 3:00 PM on Monday, February 29th. Applications are available inside the main office under the mailboxes.

Traffic Note… 

Halfway through our year we like to send out a reminder of our traffic procedures that keep our kids safe and our traffic flowing smoothly during drop off and pick up. We thank you all for helping to keep our kids out of harms way.

In particular we’d like to ask that children not be dropped off or picked up in the middle of the car line but only with one of our volunteers up at the head of the line at school. We would also like to stress that our traffic helpers in the orange vests are volunteers and appreciate your patience and assistance.

Look for the orange Traffic Safety Reminder sheet going home with your child this week and drive safely!

Please feel free to contact Kristina Bartleson with any questions or concerns. 206-949-0322 thegalley@hotmail.com  (and we still have an opening for a morning traffic volunteer on Mondays 8:20-8:45)

Heritage Night – Thursday, March 31.  “One World, Many Stories” 

Please join us for Heritage Night on Thursday, March 31 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. All are welcome to attend and we invite everyone to participate by sharing their story. This fun evening will showcase the many different stories of our school community – share your family story, culture, customs, food, clothing, through display, dance, potluck dish, music, etc. We encourage you to be creative and have fun!

JR spring garden party! 

Sunday, April 3 2016 1-4PM. Please join fellow JR volunteers for a spring garden party! We will pull weeds, plant flowers and mulch!

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